I love mornings off. I love sitting on my couch, coffee in hand, bundled in a cozy blanket, listening to music. Even if I didn't actually drink the coffee, that simple act would be a jump start to my day.
This morning, the simple words of a song declaring the supreme value of the Lord carried me back 4 years, and across the 6,475 miles from my home in Spokane to the mountains of Cyprus. That song had been my theme, my heart's cry during those months, through every high and low, every stormy gale and sunshiny day. As the song ends my little home fetches me from afar, and I am confronted with today, and the truth that the value of the Lord in my eyes is not so supreme as it once was. All the things I must attend to and problems to solve have made their way to the top of my to-do list, especially on a day off.
Yet in this new year, there is an overwhelming HOWEVER in my heart. There is a new lesson I am teaching myself, a spiritual muscle of greatest value that I am exercising. It's called resting, trusting, and being. These wonderful actions sound simple enough, but they are fighting hard for the ground that has been taken over by the deeply rooted characteristics in my life called accomplishing, figuring out, and doing. And to guide us through this process, Max and I received this verse for the year, though I do think we'd be wise to keep it close to our hearts and minds our whole lives long.
Lovely...thank you for this simple reminder