August 23, 2011

Luv. Twuu Luv?

Marriage isn't a fairytale you walk into.  It's an adventurous love story you write together.

Next week will be 10 months of marriage, and for the last week I have been rehearsing in my mind all the hundreds of memories we have made, the dozens of life changing lessons I have learned.  In all honesty the thought of approaching our one year anniversary leaves me bewildered and... smitten.

I always get questions about how married life is, if I completely love it, or have found it more difficult than I thought.  I never know what to say.  I know that it's amazing and fun-filled.  But I know it's not for the faint of heart.

Every person, whatever leg of the journey they are on, encounters challenges, bruises, and face-plants in the mud.  Marriage is definitely no different.  Yet there is something so uniquely wonderful in that no matter how humbling a lesson may be, you won't be left alone to rot in fear, doubt, or self-pity.  You won't be allowed to. [Believe me, I've tried many a time]

Now I must share something more encouraging, another "every person".  Perhaps not every, but most people ask the question "how did you know?" The question struck fear in my heart for a long time.  Another familiar question, "what if you find out you were wrong?"  I babysat for someone who, in response to my statement that I wasn't into dating around, posed this question to me: "Let's say you court someone, fall madly in love, and get married.  Shortly after you find that you didn't understand how a relationship works, know who you are, or truly know the other person.  They turn out to be a jerk and no man at all."  Strange thing for someone to ask a teenage girl, right?  I still can't see how this applied to courting and not to other forms of relationships, but nonetheless it made me a little nervous. 
In answer to my first question, I don't know how I knew.  I just knew that life with any one else would be incomplete.  As for the scenario expressed by an obviously troubled husband, the cure for that issue is definitely having open communication with parents and other leaders in your life.  Because I did court, I fell madly in love, and I have realized every day following October 30, 2010 how amazing a man I married.

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