August 9, 2011

Persona Vs. Personality

I've been thinking a lot about different personality types as of late.
Observation is my greatest tool in this expedition.  Talking and reading can excavate some information, but there is something amazing about simply watching.  Rawness and depth are revealed.

Here I would like to introduce my two opponents:

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines them as following:
[I picked a few definitions out of the many]

1. An individual's social facade or front 2. The personality that a person (as an actor or politician) projects in public

1. The complex of characteristics that distinguishes an individual or a nation or group; especially the totality of an individual's behavioral and emotional characteristics


It's a distressing thing to me that the line between the two has become so faded and dull. The demand for something acceptable overtaking the respect for individuality. A plain cover put on a wild and colorful story.
There are quite a few people who would confess to living their life as an actor- afraid of judgement, or plain old dislike for who they are. I find this frightening. Of course here and there everyone does act a little [for me it occurs most often in banks and various respectable establishments], and there are times when it is necessary to dress things up a bit nicer [for me, lowering my voice to a more reasonable decibel].

So the goal I have set before myself is to know personalities [and never hesitate to make mine known]. Enter conversation, encouragement, patience, acceptance, and trust skills. Talk about a deluge of things to acquire more of! And before all that is the harrowing task of laying aside my tendency for biting sarcasm. Talk about sacrifice!
But I am all about lists and to-dos, so feel free to join me as I venture into the uncomfortable and difficult, the uncharted and dangerous lands- the terrifying journey into the human soul.


  1. this is good stuff. thanks for bringing it up! i find often it can be difficult to see through persona in the moment because it can be frustrating when people keep themselves hidden. but i love the challenge of seeing through it to the deeper personality.

  2. Love this Jo! great thing to work on.
