May 9, 2014


Mothering-love is a wonder-working power that transforms little rascals into heroes and divas into princesses. Attitudes are everything as we mold not only these rocket-speed-growing lives, but as we make daily (and every minute of the day) decisions on our reactions. I'm terrible at this. I already see in my daughter the immediate freak-out when things fall over or aren't done the way we wanted. But mirrors of failures can be something so much greater than self-disappointments. I'm learning to look them squarely in the eye and say "we can overcome this mountain, we can practice patience even if it's only for a second longer than last time". How tired are the feet of those who practice patience, but how beautiful are those that bring good news and walk in grace!


The ability to appreciate and celebrate the people around us is a gift. Some people are amazing at this (some people also really overwhelm me with this). I'm working on finding the middle ground, looking for little ways to show others they are valuable and important.

Here are a few thoughts on how to celebrate a mom:
This book is changing my life. I've never been so encouraged by book, and left without a trace of guilt or condemnation for not being 100% awesome.

And this- just lovely. I've only previewed it, but I think I was holding my breath the whole time.

I don't know if there's any young mom that wouldn't hyperventilate with excitement at the offer to take one of those books, $10, and go enjoy it with coffee and a pastry for an hour and half.

For bonus points- another $50 to peruse Target and purchase something impractical is many-a-mom's dream.

I'm just baffled that men are confused and perplexed by my gender. All my problems are solved by food, sleep, me-time, a new nail polish, or a little succulent for my collection.

Life is too short to not celebrate the people around us.
That's all I have to say.


Also, read this and/or this.

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