May 26, 2011

Portland vs. Homeland

And we are back!
Max and I had a fabulous trip to Portland and I have many fun things to share, but I can't quite organize my thoughts today. I'm still trying to get out of my lazy-vacation thinking and figure out what was going on and what I was doing before we left. I do know that there is close to zero food in our house. oh my. If you know us, that is NOT GOOD. So basically I've got lots of lists and calendar making going on in my head.

Portland = Lots of coffee, shopping, walking, good food, good drinks, good music, and very good company.
Not to mention one of the best birthdays yet.

After some time of reflection and evaluation I have made a decision, followed by this statement:
Having nothing to do and thus doing everything exciting is grand.
But having everything to do, yet living in peace and contentment, this leaves much more to be admired.

Which leads me to this verse that I have been ruminating on today:
"Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. He chose to give birth to us by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his prized possession."
James 1:17,18

Now that's some good stuff!

Stay tuned for picturific portland posts!

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