June 5, 2012

Weekend Recap

Well Seattle was a fun little 1-day trip. My friend's wedding was beautiful and I'm so happy I got to be there to celebrate with her. GAP outlet was a disappointment but there were other stores that made up for it. Baby girl got some cute little outfits that I can't wait to share with you. But for now, a little weekend recap.

The wedding was in Greenlake and we didn't want to be late so we got there extra early. Enough time to get a refreshing drink and walk around the lake. And a few sister shots. It was windy, but the sun was shining. Considering we were in Seattle it was more than I would've asked for.

It was wonderful to meet up with friends at the wedding. My beautiful now-married friend is currently enjoying a honeymoon in Jamaica [trying not to be jealous]. They had some of the best wedding food ever. I had no shame in the pile I gathered. I had to try everything.

My sister [and pretty much my whole family] are strong advocates for treats. So Sunday I had to take Victoria to Le Panier for some of the most delicious croissants. and a baguette sandwich. and cappuccinos. Yum!

We decided it's a good thing we don't live in Seattle. We'd spend every weekend sampling all the deluctible pastries and buying fresh flowers at the market. 

We passed this shop on our way back to the car but unfortunately it was closed. They had some awesome cards and tags. I had to take a few shots to remind myself to go next time. It was also some good inspiration to make some cards myself and keep up on my new year's resolution to do more snail mail correspondence.

The drive home felt so long. Max usually does the driving on roadtrips so I was getting a little stir-crazy behind the wheel for the last 2.5 hours of big fields and flat nothingness. Buying a bouquet from the market was a good in theory, but by the time we got home they were a bit wilted. Good company for our drive though.

Coming home to my love and meeting up for a late pizza date- so sweet.
One night apart and we were ecstatic to see each other again. such wimps. and so in love.

1 comment:

  1. So fun! Love sisters, love trips, love croissants, etc. etc. :)
