July 18, 2012

A Name for Baby Girl

Some days my heart feels full enough to burst. Maybe it's the donut my love brought me this morning. Or the delicious coffee roasts my work buys and then makes french press with for us to enjoy. Or the blue skies outside my window. Or just maybe it's the little baby inside that keeps me company wherever I go. And also the fact that she is due 3 months from today. [Mind you, I am fully aware that it could be 3 months and two weeks before she is actually in my arms. I frequently remind myself that the baby comes when they are ready, not when the doctor says it should, or when I think it should.]

To celebrate baby girl's approaching due date I thought I would do her name reveal. Many of our close friends and family already know, we haven't been strictly keeping it a secret. We're not really into that sort of thing. So here it is,

Hanley is Max's middle name, which he was his great-grandmother's maiden name. Depending on the origin it either means "from the high field" [English] or "grace and beauty" [Irish]. Both quite lovely. I don't really know how we thought of using it, but as we looked through books and websites we couldn't find a name more perfect for our first baby girl. I'm not sure how we came up with the middle name either. It just sounded so pretty.

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