August 16, 2012

Quotes & Action

In the hunt for a new journal [which I still have not decided on, I think I have commitment issues with them] I've been looking up quotes on writing to get me inspired and to possibly put on the front. My first go-to was CS Lewis. Every time I pick up one of his books I am inspired to write. The way he uses language is easy to read, yet deep and thought provoking. Mark Twain is another writer like that. They are both the "for those who have ears to hear", or I guess "eyes to read and the minds to see past the obvious and into the heart of the writer". The language they use is quite different though.

Quotes are funny things to me. The creative side of me wants to say they are overrated and overused and we should be inspired by the things inside ourselves, not repeat what is around us. But the female [and human!] in me, craves the affirmation that I am not alone in my pursuits and struggles. To balance these two thought processes out I've decided to draw from quotes by people whose lives and actions [not just words] have made an impact on mine. 

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