January 4, 2012

Wintry Walk

We've been having glorious weather lately. Glorious for January in Spokane that is. There have been lots of blue skies, and last week we had a high of 52 degrees which broke the previous record set it 1897 of 51! Hallelujah. God must be thinking of me. 

It was wonderful to have some extra days off for the Holidays, and Max and I thoroughly enjoyed them. The other day we took a walk to a park near our house and loved the soft wintry look everything had. The baseball field had somehow accumulated a decent amount of water, which partially froze over, and there were lots of random little ice patches. Everything was so beautiful.

 Before we were officially together and for a short while after, Max and I took a lot of winter walks together. One in particular, has some of the sweetest memories. It was New Years Eve, well New Years Day, technically, because it was about 1:00am. Much like this day, I was all bundled up, and didn't pay much attention to the cold. I was in love. We didn't talk about that though. We didn't hold hands or exchange a kiss. There was just deep friendship. 

I've been watching a BBC mini-series and drinking lots of tea in attempt to get over this obnoxious head cold I've come down with. Not how I wanted to spend my day off, but not entirely awful. Oh well, at least the sun is shining through my windows.



  1. I really like the way your photos look Carrie! Did you guys get a new camera recently?

  2. Leah~ We did not. We just took them with Max's phone. I really like the way they look too :)
